Holy Fire Reiki and Shamanisum

As I sit her healing from my recent surgery,  looking out in nature enjoying the birds and animals around me and admiring the beauty in the clouds passing by, I thought to myself what peace, what serenity, reminding me of how grateful I should be for the beautiful life that I have been given. It also brought back memories of a time not to long ago dealing with a bit of depression during the holiday seasons.

I remember wishing to myself that I could feel like the people around me, filled with joy during the holiday seasons throughout the year which seemed to be what was eluding me when I wanted it most.  

I had though about  it many times before and could not come up with what could have possibly made it so hard for me during these times that should be filled with love, joy and family.  I search my mind in meditation trying think of anything in my current past life experiences that would have caused me to feel unhappy during these times in my life and could not come up with anything.  

I was brought up in a loving environment and had never remembered having any traumatic events that had happen during these times to make me have any bad memories of the holidays.  But then during Self Reiki one morning it came to me, I realized that I had not been thinking of anything besides this current life I’m living and the maybe it is associated with a past life Karma!

I asked Reiki to help me with this, to guide me to who I needed to help me find my answers and peace around these times.

I remember the times in my Reiki Training listening to one of my teachers Collen Benelli about how she combines her Shamanism  along with Holy Fire Reiki doing  Soul Retrieval during of her treatments.  She had studied Shamanism for many years and spoke highly of her work with it and Holy Fire Reiki together.  

This brings me to the spirit release and healing story I’d like to share with you about an experience I had in October of 2015 and  how my friend Micheal Burns a Shaman of Holistic Energy Medicine (EMS)and I a Usui/Holy Fire ll Reiki Master worked together to find the root of my issue help heal me so that I might find appreciation for the Holidays. 

The following is how my session went working with Michelle.

After meeting with Michelle and discussing the situation she described to me what she was planing to do.  When we she first opened sacred space and including my intention for the EMS, she then spritzed my luminous energy body with spirit water.  She basically describes spritzing like “a car wash of the aura surrounding me”.  She also did rhythmic rattling to decompress any areas of my luminous energy field into the physical body so that she could get into the field and “see/sense” what was happening.  During this time I was working with my training with both William and Collen on Spirit attachment and release and I was calling on Holy Fire and it third heaven healing to work with the earth energies and elements of this shamanic healing to release any unwelcome attachments that I was not be aware of.

After working with me for a short while she noticed what seemed to her like intrusive energy, different from the rest of my my energy field that was hidden deep within.  She was testing for “foreign” energy and after testing Michelle explained to me that she needed to do what is known as an extraction, to me this signaled to me  there was a spirit attachment that had somehow hidden itself from my conscious awareness.  

During the extraction, she worked thoroughly to cleanse and restore/reweave the integrity of that area of the luminous energy body.  She said she was feeling  a lot of resistance from the energies not wanting to leave because of the place in my body that it had found was of comfort to them and had no intensions of leaving.  She then went on to explain what she felt was that there may have been a past life agreement or contract with this energy that I had been part of in a past life and this was what needed to be released.  She said that sometimes this deep of an extraction was referred to as an underworld extraction. ( Not to sound to heavy but it reminded me a little of an old term we used in Reiki called Psychic surgery).  I knew at that point I need to surrender and that we would be working together to release this unwanted energy and let the free will of Holy fire come in to help accomplish this.

Altogether Michelle did three different extractions for me that day, going in deep detailing and doing what she referred to as a tuning up of my energetic field.  During this time of the extractions, it felt as though my body had sat up and was thrashing back and forth working to release this unwelcome energy.  This was a very foreign experience and was very uncomfortable for me, because in this life time, I had never felt that there was anything that could enter my Aura,  but I had never for a moment thought about the fact there there may of been past life intrusions that I was not aware of.  

While Michelle was working with these intense  extractions she was performing,  I was asking the entire time that Holy Fire and God be with me throughout this healing, protecting me so that I could be freed of this intrusive energy and that the spirit entity  be taken to the third heaven to be healed so it may in the future be positive energy and service to others.

I then asked Holy Fire to heal the the spot that had allowed such a spirit attachment so no other attachment could take its place.  To me healing the area where the spirit had attached was and is just as important to the healing experience itself and without healing the area of attachment, this it could lead to further unwanted dis ease by unwanted/unhealthy attachments from other spirits. 

I am now happy to say that I enjoy and look forward to all the holidays throughout the year!  I am so grateful for Holy Fire Reiki in many ways, how it heals so deeply, completely and how it works in conjunction with other energies to have beautiful healing experiences. For me this was a true test of what Holy Fire Reiki can do to help in any spirit attachment situation that you may be thrown into and come out healed and rejuvenated.

I am blessed and grateful to have Reiki in my life and for all those that have been and continue to be in my life.

“ Showing gratitude is one of the simplest, yet most powerful things humans can do for each other.”   -Randy Pausch

David Thomas is a professional member of the International Center for Reiki Training and is a certified teacher and practitioner in Usui / Holy Fire ll Reiki Master, as well as a Registered Holy Fire ll / Karuna® Reiki Master.

David is dedicated to providing compassionate care, and to mentoring his students to become qualified and caring practitioners who will contribute to the healing and welfare of all living beings.

David’s studio is in Belle Plaine, MN and he also travels for his clients and students throughout the metro and surrounding area.

612 309 4582




Michelle Burns can be reached at

coach@designyourdestiny.com  http://www.designyourdestiny.com

http://www.incaglossary.org/e.html if you are interested is a resource for learning more about the cosmology of the shamanic practices Michelle has been studying.